Additional Business Services

Let's get you to the right place. How are you filing taxes this year? Individual or Business?
We have a wealth of services to assist you either way.
Bookeeping & Tax Package (S-Corporation)
Includes the following:
2022 catchup bookkeeping
S-Corporation return
Personal return
S-Corporation Package
Its's important to set up your corporation properly. All S-corporpation owners must be approved to be taxed as an S-Corpioration, and pay shareholders a reasonable salary.
Let us do the heavy work - this package includes requesting S-Corporatoin tax status, a reasonable scompensatin analysis and payroll setup.
Quarterly Business Review
A quarterly meeting for business owners to review financials, business structure and to calculate quarterly estimated payments to be paid to federal and state taxing authorities.
QuickBooks Online Training
Are you a newbie to QuickBooks? Are your books a mess? Or would you like reassurance that all is well with your books?
As a certified QuickBooks ProAdvisor, we conduct a review process where we most likely will find issues within your QuickBooks file.
For a flat fee, based on the problems we’ve identified, we clean it up.
Consultation - Business Services
A brief conversation that covers any questions that a business owner may have related to set up, quarterly estimated payments, payroll, tax planning, tax negotiation & more.
New Business Start Up Package
Includes completion of:
Federal Tax ID (EIN)
State Business Formation
Any Special Elections
Operating Agreement
Beginning Business Owner Tips
Any other items that specifically pertain to your business
Payroll Setup
This service is to register your business with all taxing authorities who collect payroll taxes.
We will then set up your payroll to run automatically with the payroll processor of your choice (most likely QuickBooks).
Tax Planning & Strategy Session
Paying taxes can be a hard pill to swallow for many business owners, especially if the tax bill is high. If your business has had a great year, you have increased your profits, and whether you’ve noticed it or not, you’ve simultaneously increased your tax bill.
So what can you do to offset your tax liability? The answer is tax planning!
**The deposit for tax planning is $500 and if you decide to implement said plans, the fee is 10% of tax savings**
Year End Strategy Session
You'll walk away with a better understanding of your business and details on the next steps you need to take to achieve your business goals.
The Ultimate Beginner Business Checklist
For the beginner business owner, we have a useful and simple checklist to ensure success for business tax prep.